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Vast Selection of Heavy Truck Tires

Truck Tire Services

The TMS TruckMasters truck tire services specializes in tire sale and installation for heavy trucks, RVs and trailers. You can also contact us for truck tire repair or anything regarding heavy truck maintenance or trailer repair.

Contact our team and enjoy firsthand know-how and service from the best technicians and advisors in the heavy truck industry.

Kapsen Heavy Truck Tire Specialist

At TMS TruckMasters, we offer a full inventory of Kapsen truck tires in most sizes and patterns for heavy trucks ranging from 1 ton to super heavyweight. It’s everything you need for truck tire purchase, installation and maintenance, including quality and peace of mind.

For the truck tires you need and the best qualified staff to install them, call one of our advisors or visit one of our three truck tire services centres.

Tire Retreading

Extend the life of your tires with retreading and achieve considerable savings. Retreading a tire is an operation to replace the tread or soleplate of a used tire. Many patterns are available.

Opt for Remolded Tires

We offer bead to bead remolded tires for light pickups in various sizes and patterns: an economical and eco-friendly solution.

Contact us for more information from one of our three truck tire service centers.

For more information or to ask a quote for your heavy trucks’ tires

Tire Warehouse:
Larry Norton
Sales Representative (fleet)
514 210-8843

Eric Houle, Manager /
Brendan Mason
514 631-0963

Jean-Sébastien Dubé
Service Manager /
Anthony Poulin
450 455-2578

Daniel Morin
450 645-0404

Need tires for your heavy truck? Looking to find a truck tire shop near you?